



  • Personal Profile | 个人简介


    Dr. Jiawen Luo is an Associate Professor at Department of Financial Management, School of Business Administration, the South China University of Technology (SCUT). She received her Ph.D. (2016) in Finance from the Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU), and her B.E (2011) in Finance from SYSU, and visited the University of Queensland as a Joined-trained Ph.D. during 2014-2015. Dr. Luo research interests include financial economics, financial Risk management, financial market microstructure, high-frequency time series, theory and application in financial forecasts. She teaches Investments, Investment Banking and Research Methodology.

  • Publications | 发表论文

    Journal Articles | 期刊论文

    1.罗嘉雯,崔文晓,史昕蕾.产融结合对制造业企业绩效的影响研究 [J].必赢bwin线路检测学报. 2023.3(25), 47-60-29.

    2.Luo, J., Chen, Z., & Wang, S. (2023). Realized volatility forecast of financial futures using time-varying HAR latent factor models. Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 8(2), 214-243.

    3.罗嘉雯. 《应用计量经济学》课程的“应用导向型”教学与探讨[J]. 商科教育研究. 2022(2), 25-29.

    4.罗嘉雯,崔文晓,万欣怡. 双重视角下金融与科技的空间关联效应研究[J]. 工信财经科技. 2022,12(06):47-66.

    5.Luo, J., Marfatia, H. A., Ji, Q., & Klein, T. (2023). Co-volatility and asymmetric transmission of risks between the global oil and China's futures markets. Energy Economics, 117, 106466.

    6.Luo, J., Demirer, R., Gupta, R., & Ji, Q. (2022). Forecasting oil and gold volatilities with sentiment indicators under structural breaks. Energy Economics, 105, 105751.

    7.Luo, J., Klein, T., Ji, Q., & Hou, C. (2022). Forecasting realized volatility of agricultural commodity futures with infinite Hidden Markov HAR models. International Journal of Forecasting, 38(1), 51-73.

    8.Marfatia, H. A., Ji, Q., & Luo, J. (2022). Forecasting the volatility of agricultural commodity futures: The role of co‐volatility and oil volatility. Journal of Forecasting, 41(2), 383-404.

    9.Jiawen Luo, Qun Zhang, Risk contagions between global oil markets and China's agricultural commodity markets under structural breaks. Applied Economics. 2020 (46), 1-22

    10.Luo, J., Ji, Q., Klein, T., Todorova, N., & Zhang, D.. On realized volatility of crude oil futures markets: Forecasting with exogenous predictors under structural breaks. Energy Economics, 2020, 89:104781.

    11.Jiawen Luo, Langnan Chen, Realized volatility forecast with the Bayesian random compressed multivariate HAR model, International Journal of Forecasting, 2020,36(3):781-799.

    12.Jiawen Luo, Langnan Chen, Modelling and forecasting the multivariate realized volatility of financial markets with time-varying sparsity, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2020,56(2), 392-408

    13.罗嘉雯,万欣怡. 粤港澳大湾区特色金融产业发展与创新对策研究[J]. 城市观察, 2021,66(2),20-29.

    14.罗嘉雯,孟醒,徐维军. 新型冠状病毒疫情对广州市实体经济的影响及金融支持对策. 《广州研究内参》2020.2(69)(该决策咨询于2020.2.14广州市市长批示:转市发展改革委、地方金融监管局阅研)

    15.Jiawen Luo, Langnan Chen, Multivariate realized volatility forecasts of agricultural commodity futures, Journal of Futures Markets, 2019,12 (39): 1565-1586

    16.Jiawen Luo, Shengquan Wang, The Asymmetric High-frequency Volatility Transmission across International Stock Markets, Finance Research Letters, 2019 (31):104-109

    17.Jiawen Luo, Langnan Chen, Weiguo Zhang, Covariance breakdowns and connectedness of crude oil futures markets with non-synchronous data, Applied Economics,  2019,51(9), 422-443.

    18.Jiawen Luo, Qiang Ji, High-frequency volatility connectedness between crude oil and China’s agricultural commodity markets, Energy Economics, 2018,76:424-438

    19.Jiawen Luo, Langnan Chen,Volatility dependences of stock markets with structural breaks, European Journal of Finance, 2018, 24(17),1727-1753

    20.罗嘉雯, 陈浪南. 基于TVS-MHAR模型金融市场多元波动率的预测[J]. 系统工程理论与实践,2018 ,38 (7), 1677-1689

    21.罗嘉雯, 陈浪南. 基于贝叶斯因子模型金融高频波动率预测研究[J].  管理科学学报 2017 ,16 (8), 13-¬26. (获第十届广东省优秀金融成果奖论文类一等奖)

    22.罗嘉雯,陈浪南. 多国股票市场的高频波动相关性研究[J].  中国管理科学,2018,26(2), 116-126  (人大书报资料中心全文转载)

    23.Jiawen Luo, Langnan Chen, and Hao Liu. 'Distribution characteristics of stock market liquidity.' Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 392.23 (2013): 6004--6014.

    24.Jiawen Luo, Langnan Chen, Realized volatility forecast for stock index futures using the HAR models with Bayesian approaches, China Accounting and Finance Review, 18(3), 2016:22-¬50.

    25.Chen Langnan, Jiawen Luo, and Hao Liu. 'The determinants of liquidity with G¬RJMCMC-VS model: Evidence from China.' Economic Modelling 35 (2013): 192¬-198.

    26.陈浪南,罗嘉雯,刘昊 基于TVP¬VAR¬GCK模型的量价时变关系研究[J].  管理科学学报 2015 ,18 (9), 72-¬85.

    27.罗嘉雯, 陈浪南. 金融发展影响科技创新的实证研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2013, 1(8): 128-¬133.

    Conference Articles | 会议论文

    1. “Realized volatility forecasts with the Bayesian random compressed multivariate HAR model”, the Fourth PKU-NUS Annual International Conference on Quantitative Finance and Economics, (Shenzhen, 2019.5.11-2019.5.11)

    2. “Covariance breakdowns and connectedness of crude oil markets with non-synchronous data”The 9th International Conference for applied energy (Cardiff, UK,2017.8.21-2017.8.25)

    3. “Realized volatility forecast for stock index futures using the HAR models with Bayesian approaches” The second international conference on forecasting economic and financial systems (Beijing,2015.10.30­ 2015.11.01)

    4. “Modeling and forecasting multivariate volatilities with non­synchronous data under structural breaks” Melbourne Bayesian Econometrics Workshop 2015 (Melbourne, Australia,2015.06.03­2015.06.04)

  • Research Grants | 主持项目













  • Honors & Awards | 荣誉与奖励






    6. 2014年度中山大学优秀博士奖学金


    8. 2013年度中山大学笹川奖学金优秀论文奖



